Create Something Unique
With a lifetime of experience and interest in and around the game of golf, Scott takes great pride in understanding the workings of a well-thought-out golf course routing plan, modern day golf course characteristics, and world-class golf green complexes. He and his Team seek unique opportunities to put this knowledge, and these principles, into practice. Our interest is in both natural grass and synthetic turf depending on the appropriate application.
The advantages of synthetic turf for golf green surfacing are many; not the least of which is the ability to create wild contouring for heightened visual appeal or pin locations designed with intention that can withstand heavy foot traffic. The Golf Park Company uses cutting edge synthetic turf technology to create state-of-the-art golf green complexes, particularly in environments that are difficult to grow and maintain natural grass. The playability and durability of our golf surfaces will create a true to life golf experience, with limited maintenance and outstanding longevity.
Synthetic Turf Benefits:
- Draw clientele from neighbouring communities
- Increase membership
- No seed, water, fertilizers, or other chemicals required
- Less labour costs’ to maintain
- 10+ year life expectancy (15+ years in most cases)
- Extended seasons
- Visually stunning
- Professionally designed
- Creative contouring

Take a look at my post “Zen and the Art of Golf Green Building” to see my passion for the craft.
Read about some of the projects I created since beginning this journey over 20 years ago.